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Rocky Mountain

Rocky Mountain NDIA

Chapter News:

Could Someone Please List All Defense Industry Events on One Calendar?

16 Apr 24

by Clay Turner

NDIA-RMC Communications Chair


For years, the Rocky Mountain defense community has been asking for One. For just as long, several area organizations have talked about creating One.

Now, at long last, we have One: The One calendar that lists all our defense community events in one place. Release the confetti and let the cork popping begin.

The Rocky Mountain Joint Defense Industry Calendar is now live and accessible for local military, government, industry, and academia to access, view, respond to, and submit their events for inclusion. Color-coded events from groups like NDIA-RMC, AFCEA, AFA, MAC, SFA, AIAA, the Chamber of Commerce/EDC, and others are listed in a customized calendar app whose format will be familiar to those who use such apps to organize their schedule.

Visitors click on events to expand them. Links to event websites, details, speaker bios/LinkedIn profiles, and RSVP/registration/payment can easily be included.

Previously, Lockheed Martin’s Scott Stover maintained an event spreadsheet for the Rocky Mountain NDIA Small Business Committee. However, planners of the new Rocky Mountain NDIA website carved out funding and space for a digital calendar app for easy viewing, linking, sharing and emailing.

Stover will continue to administer the calendar, only now his job will be much easier. Instead of updating and distributing new versions of the spreadsheet, visitors to the website will always have access to the latest schedule of area events. Event planners can reach a wider audience and eventgoers can avoid missing important dates.

When planning future events, organizers can avoid conflicts. And before you ask, yes; any organization is welcome to submit their events for inclusion. The only requirements are that your event be defense-industry related and that you don’t ask to include meetings and other events that aren’t open to a wider audience (this is a community calendar, not a day planner).

This powerful new tool allows area professionals to use their time efficient and avoid missing important events. As more organizations add their information, the Joint Defense Industry Calendar will become even more valuable. Check it out now on the new to see how you can benefit (and what you might be missing) from the One Calendar to Bind Them All*.

Go to (link) to view and submit events.

*With apologies to J.R.R. Tolkien

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